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Hands-on SHAFE Multiplier Event in Hanau (Germany)

Hands-on SHAFE Multiplier Event in Hanau (Germany)


Pinboard with information material about the Hands-on SHAFE modulesBy Jesper Schulze, ISIS Social Research

On Wednesday 22 September, the first multiplier event in Germany for the Hands-on SHAFE project took place in Hanau. The event was organised by ISIS Social Research in cooperation with the Senior Citizens' Office of the City of Hanau and was very well received.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the event had to be held under special conditions and therefore took place outdoors on the square in front of the Senior Citizens' Office. At various tables, the participants informed themselves about the project "Hands-on SHAFE" and its learning contents. The last warm summer day of the year, lots of sunshine, as well as coffee and cake made for a very relaxed, interested and pleasant exchange with almost 30 participants.

ISIS Social Research has been working with the City of Hanau and the Seniors Citizens' Office for many years and has already been able to realise several joint projects during this time. The project idea and the approach of "Hands-on SHAFE" were received very positively. It became clear that there is a high demand for learning units that can be carried out independently. This feedback applies both to the voluntary sector and to professional work.

The Hands-on SHAFE project team are due to deliver the first 50% of the online SHAFE learning content by the end of September 2021 before moving on to the second phase of the work.

Hands-on SHAFE est cofinancé par le programme Erasmus+ de l'Union européenne, action clé 204 du programme d'éducation des adultes.

Le soutien de la Commission européenne à ce projet et la production de ce site web ne constituent pas une approbation du contenu, qui reflète les vues des seuls auteurs, et la Commission ne peut être tenue responsable de l'utilisation qui pourrait être faite des informations qui y sont contenues.