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Hands-on SHAFE Newsletter #2

Hands-on SHAFE Newsletter #2

Second newsletter of the Hands-on SHAFE Erasmus+ project to inform you about the progress of the project and the results we have already produced.

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Hands-on SHAFE: Testing of the first half of learning modules

Hands-on SHAFE first round of LTTA

“Very needed”, “take care of diversity”, “use short sentences” and “make it visual”, were among the comments received from partners and Irish guests at the “Dublin” meeting of Hands on SHAFE which was held virtually. 

On 22-24 June, the Hands-on SHAFE project partners met to share their elaborated learning modules with each other. This learning is also intended to prepare and disseminate SHAFE and associated learning content in multiplier events in Autumn of this year. 

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Hands-on-SHAFE to projekt finansowany przez unijny program Erasmus, Key Action 204, Edukacja dorosłych.

Wsparcie Komisji Europejskiej dla tego projektu projektu oraz opracowania tej strony internetowej nie oznacza zatwierdzenia jej zawartości, a odzwierciedla wyłącznie stanowisko jej autorów. Komisja Europejska nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za umieszczoną zawartość merytoryczną.