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European Synthesis Report on Hands-on SHAFE released!

European Synthesis Report on Hands-on SHAFE released

The key findings from France, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Portugal and The Netherlands on Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE) are being brought together in this freshly released European Synthesis Report. The report focuses on the most relevant facts and figures with the aim to arrive at recommendations for contents and methods for training packages from a European comparative perspective.

En savoir plus

Explore Good Practices on SHAFE in Europe

HoS IO1 European Compendium of Good Practices on SHAFE

Good practices on SMART, HEALTHY, BUILT environments in Europe and BUSINESS are available in the European Compendium of Good Practices on SHAFE.

En savoir plus

Hands-on SHAFE est cofinancé par le programme Erasmus+ de l'Union européenne, action clé 204 du programme d'éducation des adultes.

Le soutien de la Commission européenne à ce projet et la production de ce site web ne constituent pas une approbation du contenu, qui reflète les vues des seuls auteurs, et la Commission ne peut être tenue responsable de l'utilisation qui pourrait être faite des informations qui y sont contenues.