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Upcoming: National reports on SHAFE

Upcoming: National reports on SHAFE


To create a valid basis for the training packages that are under development within the Hands-on SHAFE project, each partner prepares a national report on SHAFE (Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments). Information gaps relating to needs and demands on the side of end-users still hinder the implementation and usage of existing technologies and appropriate environments. There is a need for findings to demonstrate how adults can best be approached, trained and advised on aspects of smart healthy age-friendly environments.

The national reports summarize the research results in the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, France, Portugal and Ireland. Besides an overview on the national context, each country report describes existing regional SHAFE products and services as well as their target groups, gaps between their availability and usage, existing implementation support offers and their funding, and examples of good practice for the application and implementation of user-centred services and products in the realms of SMART, BUILT and HEALTHY. With special regards to facilitators who wish to start their own company, the BUSINESS chapter informs about dimensions of SHAFE which are appropriate for this intention, such as the main regulations, support offers and stakeholders for starting a business, the available training concepts, and examples of good training practice. Based on this information, conclusions will be drawn on appropriate strategies regarding the training and support of the target groups.

A European report will be synthesised from the individual national reports of the SHAFE partners. Furthermore, a European factsheet will be provided to interested stakeholders, containing information in a reader-friendly and low-threshold style and serving for further dissemination activities.

Expected publication dates: end of March 2020.

Hands-on SHAFE est cofinancé par le programme Erasmus+ de l'Union européenne, action clé 204 du programme d'éducation des adultes.

Le soutien de la Commission européenne à ce projet et la production de ce site web ne constituent pas une approbation du contenu, qui reflète les vues des seuls auteurs, et la Commission ne peut être tenue responsable de l'utilisation qui pourrait être faite des informations qui y sont contenues.