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International Conference: Learning and Implementing Social Innovation

International Conference: Learning and Implementing Social Innovation

SHINE, AFEdemy and the Nursing School of Coimbra are organising a conference on November 8th and 9th. During those days, we will talk about Smart Healthy Age-friendly Environments and Social Innovation!

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Dutch Inspirational Tool Living Environments for Older Adults


A pact of Dutch organisations developed the Inspirational Tool Living Environments for Older Adults. The Tool aims to open the dialogue between stakeholders to discuss the challenges and requirements of a healthy and safe living environment.

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Hands-on SHAFE Newsletter #3

Hands-on SHAFE Newsletter #03 EN

Third newsletter of the Hands-on SHAFE Erasmus+ project to inform you about the progress of the project and the results we have already produced.

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Multiplier webinar Hands-on SHAFE well visited

Hands-on SHAFE Multiplier Webinar

On January 12th 2022, AFEdemy and Politechnika Warszawska organised the multiplier webinar to present the developed e-learning modules. The room was filled with 50 participants, who liked the development thus far and provided valuable inputs.

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Hands-on SHAFE Poster and Flyer released

Hands-on SHAFE project's flyer and poster released

The Hands-on SHAFE consortium partners have developed in different languages a Poster and Flyer explaining briefly the SHAFE concept and how to become a facilitator that can implement Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE).

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Hands-on-SHAFE to projekt finansowany przez unijny program Erasmus, Key Action 204, Edukacja dorosłych.

Wsparcie Komisji Europejskiej dla tego projektu projektu oraz opracowania tej strony internetowej nie oznacza zatwierdzenia jej zawartości, a odzwierciedla wyłącznie stanowisko jej autorów. Komisja Europejska nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za umieszczoną zawartość merytoryczną.