Hands-on SHAFE: Testing of the first half of learning modules
28/06/2021“Very needed”, “take care of diversity”, “use short sentences” and “make it visual”, were some of the comments we received from partners and Irish guests on the draft learning modules of the Hands-on SHAFE project.
On 22-24 June, the Hands-on SHAFE project partners and Irish guests from the Age-friendly Ireland network met each other remotely to present and discuss SHAFE e-learning modules.
The following modules were presented: text communication with smartphones (SMART), healthy lifestyles (HEALTHY), mobility outside (BUILT) and human-business coherence (BUSINESS). Transversal modules, introduction to SHAFE and communication techniques (GENERAL) completed the first set of Learning, Teaching and Training Activity that partners undertook.
You can watch the video here.
The aims of the collaborative learning activity were: 1. To learn more about each other’s domains so partners are able to present the other’s modules at the national multiplier events; 2. To test and receive comments from a multidisciplinary team on the developed modules; and 3. To enable the partners to review their own and others’ modules with the lessons learned. In the closing evaluation partners commented: “I really enjoyed the meetings, although they were virtual”, “very interesting to get an overview of the whole of modules we developed”, “we should evaluate every module in the same way and name ambassadors on different actions”. The partnership appointed ambassadors on the harmonisation of the use of personas, images, sentences, length of the texts and the references. Partners also agreed to meet biweekly during and after the Summer to get the modules done before September.
During the past year, based on the national reports on SHAFE, the partners of the Hands-on SHAFE project created an educational framework. The framework is the base of the e-learning modules that the project partners are developing in the domains SMART, HEALTHY, BUILT and BUSINESS. Transversal themes were also identified (GENERAL).
The modules are meant for facilitators who assist others (such as older adults, people with impairments) in smart healthy age-friendly settings. Facilitators can be volunteers, (informal) caregivers, business people or service and product providers such as hair dressers and providers of accessible transport services.
Below you can find some examples of the content of the first Hands-on SHAFE learning modules:
![]() Example of content of the
![]() Example of content of the
![]() HEALTHY 02 learning module |
![]() BUILT 07 learning module |
![]() BUSINESS 02 learning module |
The pdfs of the learning modules are visible here. Please do not hesitate to send your comments on the current drafts. We would like to receive them before July 5th via online survey (link) or you can ask Willeke van Staalduinen (willeke@afedemy.eu) for a pdf questionnaire.
You can also watch below the videos of the respective presentations:
SMART 03 presentation video |
HEALTHY 02 presentation video |
BUILT 07 presentation video |
BUSINESS 02 presentation video |
During September and October 2021, the project partners will organise national partner events in Ireland, France, Germany, Portugal, Poland and The Netherlands to present a medley of SMART, HEALTHY, BUILT, BUSINESS and GENERAL. Besides presentation and collecting feedback, the participants will be invited to jointly do the quizzes and activities.