Based on the Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE) concept, the project Hands-on SHAFE will develop appropriate training packages and tools that foster community participation to achieve social inclusion and better quality of life for people of all ages.

The Hands-on SHAFE project aims to deliver training packages for informal learning experiences and hands-on tools to improve the skills of people of all ages, and especially seeks to enable people with low-skills or low-qualifications to choose and implement smart healthy age-friendly environments in their own homes or neighbourhoods.

In this way the project fosters and promotes social inclusion for people of all ages and genders, including people with cognitive or physical impairments or disabilities. It also aims to enable people to become innovators and trailblazers in their neighbourhoods or to become entrepreneurs in the field of smart healthy age-friendly environments services and products.

The Hands-on SHAFE project will develop easy learning experiences for facilitators, such as volunteers, caregivers and relatives, to implement SMART and HEALTHY BUILT environments in their own communities. BUSINESS development on SHAFE products and services will be the fourth learning experience.
The state of the art in SHAFE products and services in the partner countries form the basis on which the research-based training packages are built.
Examples of good practices are used to inspire an innovative training concept.

Hands-on SHAFE is co-funded by the European Commission, in the frame of the Erasmus+ Programme 2019, Key Action 204 Adult Education programme.
The project is coordinated by AFEdemy, Academy on age-friendly environments in Europe BV, based in Gouda, The Netherlands. The coordination of the Hands-on SHAFE project is only feasible in close cooperation with project partners and associated partners.
The project started in September 2019 and will end in December 2022.