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Multiplier webinar Hands-on SHAFE well visited

Multiplier webinar Hands-on SHAFE well visited


On January 12th 2022, Willeke van Staalduinen (AFEdemy), Agnieszka Ciesla and Marianna Ulanicka-Raczynska (Politechnika Warszawska) organised a multiplier webinar about the first results of the project. 50 participants from different European countries participated.

Starting with the idea behind the concept of SHAFE and the aims of the European Erasmus+ programme, the Hands-on SHAFE project results were presented and explained. Hands-on SHAFE aims to provide facilitators, such as volunteers, caregivers and social entrepreneurs, with (e-learning) modules and tools to implement SHAFE in their own neighbourhood or town. The learner can choose to go directly to the learning modules and choose the ones that are most interesting for her or him. The learner can also define the learning programme at hand of six characters that represent end-users with disabilities, or social and health issues.

Learning packages of SHAFE are SMART, HEALTHY, BUILT, BUSINESS and GENERAL. Each learning package consists of modules that can be followed online or with the use of a pdf. The modules have similar structures: they inform the learner about what the learner will learn in a module, what the learner has achieved at the end of the module. Every module also includes one or more quizzes in which the learner can practice if the learning material is well understood. Learners who successfully complete a learning package, will receive a certificate on request.

After the presentation, a discussion started. At first the participants discussed if age matters regarding the feasibility to make home adaptations. The participants concluded that there may be circumstances, such as jobless, disability, may block the accessibility to extra funding for home adaptations. Another participant made a remark on the easiness of the questions in relation to the somewhat technical explanations of the modules. As an example “IP-based technology” was given. From Greece and Hungary came the wish and offer to translate the modules in home languages and to publish them on the Hands-on SHAFE website. The opportunities will be further explored.

A final request was to include beauty in the modules: this is important for wellbeing too.

The presentation used during the multiplier webinar and the video recording are available here:

Hands-on SHAFE Multiplier Webinar Recording

Hands-on SHAFE Multiplier Event presentation





Hands-on SHAFE is mede gefinancierd door het Europese Erasmus+ programma, Key Action 204 Volwasseneneducatie.

Dit project werd gefinancierd met de steun van de Europese Commissie. De verantwoordelijkheid voor deze website ligt uitsluitend bij de auteur; de Commissie kan niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor het gebruik van de informatie die erin is vervat.