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Hands-on SHAFE project outcomes presentation: A highlight at the International Conference LEARNING AND IMPLEMENTING SOCIAL INNOVATION

Hands-on SHAFE project outcomes presentation: A highlight at the International Conference LEARNING AND IMPLEMENTING SOCIAL INNOVATION


By Javier Ganzarain, AFEdemy

With more than 150 international participants the Conference took place in Coimbra, Portugal, from the 8th to the 9th of November 2022. In this frame, the International Multiplier Event of the project Hands-on SHAFE took place with two dedicated sessions on the very first day of the conference.

Right after the Keynote Speaker Roger von Boxtel and his inspiring speech about “Social innovation of organisations: a practical case”, Willeke Van Staalduinen presented to the plenary the project Hands-on SHAFE. She explained the whole way from the SHAFE Network, back in 2018, to the creation of the COST Action NET4Age-friendly, which currently brings together more than 500 researchers until the recent creation of the SHAFE Foundation.

Then, as a concrete example of the outcomes under the SHAFE umbrella, Willeke concentrated her presentation on the Hands-on SHAFE project and presented the project, its partners, the main deliverable, like the National Reports and the Compendium of Good Practices and the e-Learning Platform, which is embedded into the EU website. She also presented the usage of the personas and their day-to-day challenges, which then a facilitator can identify to propose concrete learning modules to the person they offer support to. All the learning modules have been grouped into 5 areas: SMART, HEALTHY, BUILT, BUSINESS and GENERAL. She then presented more in detail the learning module SHAFE and me (GENERAL 01).

This was a very informative presentation that gave the floor to the Practical session Hands-on SHAFE which took place in the afternoon and was chaired by Javier Ganzarain and Jonas Bernitt from AFEdemy (The Netherlands). In this hands-on session, the partners of the project presented the results of the National Multiplier Events that have already taken place in France, Ireland, The Netherlands, Poland, and Portugal. The German National Multiplier Event took place afterwards, on the 29th of November, and was held by ISIS (Germany).

After presenting the outcomes and feedback of these events, Jonas Bernitt presented the eLearning Platform in detail and an overview of the manual. Following this, each of the partners presented an overview of the modules of the area they developed: SMART by Damon Berry from the TU-Dublin (Ireland), HEALTHY by Renata Gonçalves from Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra (Portugal), BUILT by Agnieszka Cieśla from the Politechnika Warsaw (Poland) and BUSINESS by Sandrine Dubant from airelle (France). GENERAL, which was developed by AFEdemy (The Netherlands) and ISIS (Germany), was already presented in the morning session.

After the introduction, the participants split into four round tables, where the partners installed notebooks to allow them to try the learning modules of their interest.

The BUILT table was also supported by posters of the modules, that were hand on the wall, and the BUSINESS table by printout versions of all its modules. The partners were also available to provide any required explaining or additional information and collect feedback from the researchers, students and representatives of senior organisations participating.

Overall, the session was very successful and very positive feedback and endorsements were collected. Concretely, the opportunity to bring Hands-on SHAFE to other countries like Norway and Brazil, where the participant of the workshop Marianne Cardoso Batalha, from the Anna Nery Nursing School, wants to bring Hands-on SHAFE and share it with her students, patients and colleagues.

Hands-on SHAFE is mede gefinancierd door het Europese Erasmus+ programma, Key Action 204 Volwasseneneducatie.

Dit project werd gefinancierd met de steun van de Europese Commissie. De verantwoordelijkheid voor deze website ligt uitsluitend bij de auteur; de Commissie kan niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor het gebruik van de informatie die erin is vervat.