Explore Good Practices on SHAFE in Europe

Explore Good Practices on SHAFE in Europe


Explore compendium of good practices on SHAFE in Europe46 good practices on Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE) from France, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Portugal and The Netherlands can be found in the European Compendium of Good Practices on SHAFE. The good practices are sorted by country, by domain or in alphabetical order and describe a variety from digital solutions such as tablets, robots, walkable environments and housing.

While elaborating on six national reports about current practices, problems and potential solutions of SHAFE, partners found several good practices for the application and implementation of user-centred services and products in the realms of SMART, BUILT, HEALTHY and BUSINESS. The good practices are published in the Compendium of Good Practices that can be also used in training measures for facilitators on SHAFE.

You can download the European Compendium of Good Practices on SHAFE directly here or from the section of public deliverables.

Hands-on SHAFE is mede gefinancierd door het Europese Erasmus+ programma, Key Action 204 Volwasseneneducatie.

Dit project werd gefinancierd met de steun van de Europese Commissie. De verantwoordelijkheid voor deze website ligt uitsluitend bij de auteur; de Commissie kan niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor het gebruik van de informatie die erin is vervat.